Home Toothpick inoculation method for maize stem rot/つまようじ接種法ートウモロコシ茎腐れ病

Toothpick inoculation method for maize stem rot/つまようじ接種法ートウモロコシ茎腐れ病


Stem rot

Stem rot is a disease caused by a fungus infection in the stem of crop plants. Fungus that causes stem rot are in the Rhizoctonia, Fusarium or Pythium genera. Stem rot can readily infect crops that are in their vegetative or flowering stages. The disease can survive up to five years in the soil. Symptoms of stem rot includes staining of infected area, reduced crop yield and crop failure. The disease can be spread through the use of unfiltered water as well as unsterilized tools. Also leaving previous dead roots in soil can increase the risk of stem rot. Spores can also enter the plant through injured stem tissue on the plant including from insect attacks. The fungus impedes stem functions like transporting nutrients. It can cause water to leak through the lesions of stem tissue. Common infected crop plants are soybeans and potatoes. An issue with maintaining this disease is the lack of management by crop producers. Producers of soybeans tend to not manage for the disease because it is not normally yield limiting in a large area. Fungicides can be used to manage the disease as well as burning the crop after harvest or letting it decompose.1

Stem rot is a destructive disease that affects the cultivation of corn (maize) and causes significant losses. It is characterized by the soft and moist decay of the stem, which impairs the growth and yield of the plants. This disease is caused by fungal pathogens and prefers a humid, moist environment.(See below picture, taken in 2024)

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Therefore, inoculate specific fungi to induce maize stem rot is important for breeding disease resistant varieties. I don’t have a background in plant diseases. I learned this method from a colleague and documented it to enhance my understanding.


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Place the autoclaved toothpick into the medium containing fungi and incubate. (See Left Picture)


1.Dig a small hole in the maize stem that matches the size of the toothpick.

2.Remove the toothpick from the medium and insert it into the hole.(See Right picture)





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